Left Atrial Appendage Closure Device
featuring HEMOCOAT™ Technology
The WATCHMAN FLX Pro Device is designed with three first-ever features: new HEMOCOAT Technology designed to improve the healing process, radiopaque markers for precise device placement, and a new 40mm size for larger appendages.
Coated for controlled healing
HEMOCOAT Technology is a durable, thromboresistant coating that results in less inflammation and leads to faster, more complete endothelialization.1
PVDF-HFP has a long history of safe use on permanently implanted, blood-contacting medical devices2
Durable, thin coating encapsulates healing surface of device, maintains pore size and mechanical performance of WATCHMAN FLX platform (<1µm)3
Impressive performance in challenging preclinical model1
Testing in pre-clinical model has shown remarkable results for faster, more controlled healing1
Next level visibility
Three new radiopaque markers help position and anchor the device with a new level of visual accuracy
Enhance deployment precision
57% increased visibility for more accurate device positioning4
Ensure device
Improved assessment of device anchoring when performing tug test
Enable confident
Improved visualization of device orientation and alignment
- Saliba et al. JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology, May 2023. Bench testing or pre-clinical study results may not necessarily be indicative of clinical performance. N=12 in a pre-clinical canine study.
- Wagner et al., Biomaterials Science: An Introduction to Materials in Medicine, 4th Edition, 2020.
- Boston Scientific Data on file.
- Bench study performed under CT by Boston Scientific. Data on file.